Johnson C.W. Cheung
Professional qualifications 專業資歷
Call: HK (2023)
HKICPA Insolvency Preparatory I & II (as part of the Professional Diploma in Insolvency programme)
香港會計師公會Insolvency Preparatory I & II證書課程 (破產重整專項文憑的一部分)
HKIAC Accredited Tribunal Secretary
香港國際仲裁中心 (HKIAC) 仲裁庭秘書
Education background 教育背景
P.C.LL., University of Hong Kong
LL.B., University of Hong Kong
B.SS. (Govt & Laws), University of Hong Kong
Profile 簡介
Johnson joined Chambers in 2023 after completing pupillage with Mr Danny K.K. Chan, Mr Man Hon Chiu, Mr Herbert Leung, Mr Anthony James Sherry and Ms Connie H.Y. Lee.
Johnson is developing a broad civil and criminal practice and accepts instructions in all areas of Chambers’ work. He is fluent in English, Cantonese and Putonghua, and is experienced in drafting legal documents in Chinese.
Practice Areas 執業範疇
- Arbitration 仲裁
- Bankruptcy 破產
- Civil Fraud / Asset Recovery 民事詐騙 / 資產復原
- Commercial 商業法
- Company 公司法
- Contract 合同法
- Criminal Law 刑事法
- Discrimination 歧視
- Equity & Trust 衡平 / 信託法
- Family / Matrimonial 家事 / 婚姻
- Injunction / Contempt 禁制令 / 藐視法庭
- Insolvency 公司清盤
- Landlord/Tenant Disputes 租務糾紛
- Personal Injuries 人身傷亡
- Probate & Succession 遺產 / 繼承
- Tort 侵權法
Selected Cases 案件選粹
Dadra Inc v. Chan Choi Har Ivy
[2024] HKCA 773
Resisted an appeal on jurisdiction grounds against an imprisonment order made under O.49B of the RHC against a bankrupt (with Mr. Man Hon Chiu)
北角中心大廈業主立案法團 v. 威邦物業管理服務有限公司
[2024] HKLdT 36
Struck out a purported representative action taken out by IO of the building against the “Plaza Manager” under a sub-DMC, who was named as the representative of all owners under that sub-DMC, for recovery of management fees unpaid by the owners (with Mr. Danny Chan)
Re Welife Technology Limited (維力生活科技有限公司) (Formerly known as Palace Banquet Holdings Limited (首灃控股有限公司))
HCCW 478/2023
Obtained validation orders for major shareholders of a listed company (as interested parties) for their post-petition purchase of shares (with Mr. Danny Chan)
Chan Yuk Ping v. Liew Shuk Fui
[2024] HKDC 999
Represented the Plaintiff in an assessment of damages for a tort of harassment committed for 6 years by the Plaintiff’s neighbour; damages awarded at HK$602,000 (with Ms Lilian Ip)
Yang Bai (楊白) v. Chan, Wong & Yip, Solicitors (a firm)
DCCJ 4764/2023
Obtained an O.14 summary judgment against a solicitors’ firm for mishandling a tax refund application (as sole advocate)
Litegrid Holdings Limited (縱橫控股有限公司) v. HKC Network Limited (中港網絡有限公司)
HCA 2468/2016
Resisted an application at a taxation hearing to partially re-litigate costs liability (with Mr. Benjamin Chong)
Victory Group Limited (華多利集團有限公司) & Anor v. Chang Man Weng (曾萬榮)
HCA 272/2022
Resisted an application to adduce expert evidence on, inter alias, the rules and procedures of application to resume trading of shares, and the role of HKEX and SFC in such an application (assisted Mr Man Hon Chiu)